i needa go for shoppin n some massage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone who's keen on goin pls call me ya! esp foot massage....cause i think i pulled a muscle or ligament on my right foot :( my ankle hurts when i start walkin..
im thinkin of cuttin my hair or doin somethin to my hair soon... cuttin my hair cause i dont wana tie it up durin work!! all the hairspray is spoilin my hair :(
met up with my pretties last week b4 goin to work!! the time spent was far too lil!!!!! im so lackin of time and day off that i feel so suffocated. its like i dont even have time for myself anymore. hopefully ill be able to catch shrek n hightea with gerri n meet dear bet n my soon. time's short. i gota make full use of all my off days!!
im really happy with what i have right now (: n i sincerely hope you will stay this way for the many many years to come. so that you can prove to those that said 'no' wrong.And I don't know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearlessAnd I don't know why but with you I danceIn a storm in my best dress, fearless
♥ 10:13:00 PM
havent been bloggin frequently cause ive been damm busy! busy with work work work as usual haha.
AND BOOHOO! MY RDO IS OVER :(:( its like fast and furious. gone in one sec.
i had enough of tdr food already. (tdr food is basically free food that my co. provides us). went to indulge myself in damm good food for the pass few days!!
firstly i had
ippudo ramen for dinner on sun night.
IT WAS DAMM BLOODY GOOD!! the soup was like. HEAVENLY! then i headed down to domani for dessert. had tiramisu, black chocolate forest which was fresh banana with soft creamy chocolate mousse cake. and also brownie n ice cream(alas forgot to take pics of it)!

then as for today... i headed down to IKEA!! to satisfy my cravings as mentioned in my previous post.

i mean. what can seriously be better than my beloved almond cake!! SERIOUSLY. every mouth is like a step closer to heaven. how good the almond bits taste, how soft creamy and how that sweet cream oozes out in between the bites. how you can chew on those almond bits after each bite.i declare my love for ikea almond cake. no one else can ever replace or replicate the love it gives me.
anyway aft that i headed to prata house for supper. prata n mutton soup!! WOOHOO. my tummy has been rejoicing for the past two days. its like YAY finally i get to have some really good humane like food. (YES THATS HOW BAD THE TDR FOOD IS).
your roses never fail to perk me up everytime (: thankyou.
my eyebags are givin a shoutout btw. they've been alive ever since the night shift started.

oh and the night was really pretty that day, so i took a shot.
lastly! i bought new shoes n bag that day!! the heels are doin fine so far. the geox thingie is suppose to aid in airing the shoe and keepin it dry n comfy? so far its been stink free aft a week of wearin! so its hurray! it does work somehow (: im particular bout shoe stink cause i realised aft wearin so much flats n heels my feet actually became damm stinky(in relation to my previous heels. major yuck).perfume n mac lipgloss was from someone... thankyou (: oh! why i had to get a new mac lippie? :( CAUSE I LOST MY TESTIMO LIPSTICK N LIPPIE AT WORK!! apparently i concluded that i left them in my blazer pocket and i conviniently threw my blazer to laundry to wash without realising the lipgloss n lipstick was inside!!! *gasps*
♥ 4:18:00 AM
yay!! im goin to change to night shift today (: pretty happy bout it cause im interested to see how's the place gona be like late in the night. what kind of weird ppl ill meet etc. haha. talkin bout weird ppl, there hav been many many many. actually more wolves than weird ppl. some nice, some nasty some damm cheekopeh. theres a fair share of taitais around. young lackeys trying their luck. retirees tryin to pass time.
anyway's work been pretty much routine. and my social life is like gone can!! its so hard to meet people when its hard to coordinate our days off.
and im craving for so many yum yums now i swear. I SO WANA DINE AT IKEA. I NEED SOME MEATBALL LUVING. ALMOND CAKE COME TO MAMA!! i wana hav yami yoghurt. i wana have takopachi. i wana have koi milktea. ME WANT ME WANT :(.
yet im feeling oh too lazy to go buy haha. nvm my cravings will be met tomorrow (: hehs.
When i look at you i see forgiveness,
I see the truth.
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know, I'm not alone...
♥ 2:41:00 PM