What is it about MMO?What is it about mmo that even when it leaves you frustrated, forlorn, agitated and unaccomplished that it still brings you back each time albeit with more gust, energy and determination.(1) Its all in the mind: playing mmo and achieving higher levels after plogging hours into the damm game with the constant jamming of your poor keyboard is akin to winning a badminton tournament with a bunch of frens or being the one to swipe that last cup of ice cold milo off the table. Ahh..
or being the one to be able to walk around with a sense of dignity in game with the latest accessories, new skills and new mojo. Its akin to driving a ferrari down orchard road on a crowded afternoon, you know everyone's watching, everyone notices but do you give a damm? HELL YEAH AND HELL NO. Ahh..
(2) Its all about the people: yes yes, people like you and me who play the game. some make the game and some break it. and even though those that do break it, actually makes the game more interesting and addictive. its like no matter how irritating they get, the game and the people just sucks you right in again. It just feels great seeing something backfire on the dumb nimwits that exist in the game, its just like having a thousand odd birds' shit land on your enemy. Ahh..
also. its being able to participate and see many others like you along the same goal, same passion and working towards greater good(fighting big bosses in unison). its the sense of achievement that you get and being able to rejoice and share it with a group of online gaming nerds who are smiling like retards back at the computer when the mob falls. Ahh..
in short it brings others to another dimension and offers what you can not achieve or have in the real world. also it rewards hard work almost instantly through many ways. your online persona also acts as your alter ego and a different mean of expressing yourself.
and lastly, it makes you confused, angry, suprised, makes you cry, smile, laugh and rejoice just like how life does.
♥ 4:55:00 PM

ever had times when you realised some things and then felt like an idiot? guess everybody must have experience that before lols. anyway IM FINALLY FINISHED WITH MY STUDIES AND EXAMS! the last paper ended four days ago (: and ive been mia since cause been gaming alot HAHA.
and its time to go find a job! i know.. but i feel so uncertain. its like even if i do go apply for the jobs im not quite sure if i want them, its like im jus applying for the sake of applyin n cause i dont wana be jobless. HMPH!
anyway! been to dressmaking lesson on mon and the teacher is uber nice (: sweet motherly chi teacher kind PLUS things are starting to look positive. i might jus be able to sew something soon! YAY. if better. i cld even make dresses aft that (: but it'll tak awhile.
♥ 9:45:00 AM