FEE-FI-FO-FUM! hahaha just felt like saying that..
i finally feel.. free (: but then sad thing is that its only 4 days hol. sigh not sure if i shld be even happy at all. intern starts next mon! AM EXCITED THOUGH.excited. excited excited excited!!! dont know what to expect tmr but i cant wait to see the dolphins! its just one day before and im already startin to feel anxious! butterflies in my tummy! wonder what ill be doin! :D

the doughnut in the first pic is fake btw. made of plastic bags !!
haha. not sure if ive mentioned before.... but...
cranberry frangrance diffuser thingie from bodyshop! so now my room smells like cranberries :D but then! the smell isnt as strong as belair though :( i ran out of the
green apple already... left wtih ecuptalyse (or whatever haha) nt that nice smellin.....
speaking of frangrances i desperatly needa get a bottle soon >.< , im gettin either
moschino-ilove or
escada-moonsparkle.. i know!! though it is sorta endorsed/advertised by *AHEM* *COUGH* dongie *cough* plastizilla. i like the smell actually o_o!

i like
'incredibly me' perfume bottle... !!
but then its smell is towards the powdery side and a little heavy and too sweet for my liking.. moonsparkle is just nice though cause it has a hint of fruitiness in it with lifts up the whole scent making it more cheery and not so dense..
o but the ad for incredibly is v nice though !! she literally plucks the perfume bottle from some string of water/jewels? :D
p.s my inner lip gum (u know the part where it connects the gum to the lip -monkey portion, what i call it haha) IS HURTIN LIKE HELL! been hurtin since tue ever since i accidentally left a cut there (thumbnail). i have a bad habit of chewin on my thumb when studyin n feeling stressed. anyway. its been swollen since n hasnt really been healing? i think i have an ulcer there now :(hmmm meanwhile im endlessly daydreaming while thinkin of kelee. pretty boy is in action now! hope his gums are alright, hope he isnt feeling too cold, hope he is in good state, hope isnt hurting anywhere, hope he is feeling fine n well, last but not least. hope he is thinking of me (:
anyway! ill b updating on my blog (if i have the time n energy) about how it went at work! it will definitely be an eyeopener and plently of new experience for me!
wallet -kelee xmas + watch/shirt/flyer- kelee anni?
or wii for xmas+anni+his bday.
i think its high time ive got something to announce...............sis and i got new presents.... from our sugar daddy...............
yes.... i have a sugar daddy........

NOT! hahaha jus jk. its
SUPER DADDY! not sugar daddy (:

both the same.. so ya! i finally got it! :D

but a lil disappointed though.. cause i originally thought that it was charms on the side.. but turned out to be a chain with a hook instead. but then again am really happy (:
eh... dont hit me! i dont know if the keychain is real or not though

since there are no charms will be addin the butterflies to the side. n coincidentally its purple tooo!!!! better to be on the pouch than to stay forever in my drawer. xD
AHHHHHH IM WORRIED EXCITED ANXIOUS LIKE MAD BOUT TMR :( dont know how many umptee times ive said this *sigh* :( MY PRETTY BOY I NEED U :( i really do..............
meanwhile, i had some photoshop fun! hahaha
de-moled myself in both photos though... LOL

in this photo: hue/saturation altered. demoled, contrast altered.

in this photo: liquify (bigger eyes, smaller nose, defined cheeks), hue/saturation and contrast altered.
hahaha so u got it photoshop can be used to trick internet geeks online. stay with this picture all the time. and come out real life to scare ppl.
♥ 11:12:00 AM
Halloween night! 31oct.
na didnt dress up though. saw a 'corpse bride' and her zombie like groom that night. think she used plain ol' ketchup sauce as blood all over her dress. she looked really nice though (: mayb i shld drag kelee out next yr during halloween, he can be muscle man hahahah. or better yet something disgustin- we can be conjoined zombie twins hahaha what the hell is that man. not sure. just came to my mind.
sorry for the similar lookin pics all at one time. LONG POST AHEAD BTW.

date with dear gerri (:

heels from topshop..PRICE SLASHED FROM S$159 to 79 :D
15 more days till my baby boy is back from taiwan. i dont think i can ever take on a job that requires travelling (then again i might take back my words) nor do i think i can survive if baby travels frequently. cause i miss him oh so badddd :( its just four days only and 15 more days to go.
MEANWHILE. EXAMS ARE OVER!went for postexam celebrations at topone :D they have something that sprays smoke/fog in the room but. they ran out of the smoke thingie. sadly :( , stage light effect and disco lights as well to put u in the mood for dancin n singin hahaha best were the jolin songs! esp mr.Q although edc is in it.
humans are weird. u know when ure really restricted, the more u wana do what youre not allowed to do and the more u wana rebel. but when the limit's gone and restrictions are gone. u start to realise thats not what u really want actually and that you really dont want it as much anymore. i think its same as a kid vs. a lolli. the more u dont wana give it to the kid, the more he screams, kicks and beg for it but after, if he is given a choice to eat all the lollis he want, he dont really want the lollis that bad anymore.
its the blue box!!!!!!!!!!!! haha na, not my bday pressie. this was from afew months back from mr shake

for b'day pressie its gona be.........................................
*DRUMROLLS*JONATHAN RHYS MYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(complete with an award, comes in a package and delivered straight to my doorstep)
hahaha jus kidding. i dont wana get slapped by a million tons of girls out there. pprrfff.
I MEAN HOW ON EARTH CAN NATALIE DORMER GET PAST THOSE INTENSE MOMENTS WITH HIM?!?! she says in an interview that the intimate scenes were heavily choregraphed... but still?!?!?! it would be nice to see them off-screen as a couple as well *grins* soooo hot!

on the other hand. my current bday pressie im waiting for is for miffy (: holland lop. or maybe a ND. will be waiting for my baby to be home before we make further decisions and take further action.
SO BABY ILL BE WAITING FOR YOU. once you touchdown, ill be the first to call you, find you, see you n hugggg youu!

♥ 12:12:00 AM