Hello world. My name's Marian. pronounced as (night mare + du rian). Alternatively, you can choose to call me maryanne.
i work in the entertaintment/service industry (had and soon to be). I wont say i love it and wont say i hate it either.
I have a soft spot for furry animals hence my aspiration to become a vet, which sadly, has not been realised.
i talk alot. so much that i even talk in my sleep.oh, and i ocassionally hum music when im sleeping too. i'm currently attached!! to my kelee for 3 years (: . oh, and i hate celery btw.
you can contact me ataya_splashy112@hotmail.com.
Feastyour eyes
Quote of the day;
“In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments that took your breath away.” Shing Xiong
Some days I just don't know what to do, what to say. To leave or to stay?
♥ 10:34:00 AM
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Singapore is oh too small.
♥ 9:53:00 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
oh... the woes when the time of the month comes. :(:(
i was so suay it came on the second day of cny. made me ran to a nearby petrol kiosk, stopped by bought essentials from 7eleven (actually it wasnt me who bought it. i sent out my distress call and got sh to buy it for me HAHA) and used their toilet.
haha. anyway my face is clearing up!! isnt that good news :D:D
and while uploadin the cny pics on fb i just realised how lil photos were taken :( so sad! i didnt get to tak a clear pic of e dress i wore on the second day because i loveee the cutting behind!! its the ribbon cut lols.
anyways im tired. will upload the peektures tmr and ill blog bout the rest tmr. OH AND I HAVE BROWN BROWN HAIR AGAIN! YAY!
yes, a cranky photo of me. my turn to post up an unglam pic. thats my humongous nose staring at you. HAHA
♥ 8:44:00 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
met up with my gals betty n yl ystd (:
had hokkaido ramen@ion with bet first before meetin yl.
bet's spicy hokaiddo ramen. (they serve super diluted green tea foc if u dont order any drinks)
the noodles are overpriced in my opinion... the only thing i loved was the soup. it has enough flavour though. its smooth and yummy but the noodles hmm. as quoted from bet 'they taste like meekia' so go figure haha. i bought the set which comes with sushi, egg, mash potato which costs 17 bucks. without the set its only 12. oh and that excludes gst bahhh. so my verdict is not worth unless ure wiling to spend the money.
and heres how my face looks like now. look at the cheek. im no longer hoping for a miracle for cny.
not sure if u can see. theres a scab in the middle of all the pimples, thats the scab from the mole removal. and why are all the pimples formed around it? because of the fking cream the doc gives which made me breakout v badly. sigh, i feel damm sad lur.
♥ 9:59:00 AM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
oh yea check out the new petlings in pet society!!
i got two kitty cat cats (: one white next one black! haha they come in random colours n characteristics cute right.
heres lunar (:
heres peckypocky. he's pretty tiny cause he's still growin.
heres the both of them (:
ive to say pecky's personality is damm different from lunar's. he jumps around alot la haha heres a pic of him flying thru the air. funny thing is when he jumps he opens his mouth haha as for lunar she sticks her tongue out. lol
hahaha pecky on the cupcake stand with his mouth open.
sleeping by the oven. im attemptin to cook king burger hahaha.
oh ya the other day mr ke. visited me in ps n left my com on, funny thing was horni(his pet) fell asleep with lucee (my pet) at my hse in the game. and in the real world we were both sleepin too, takin afternoon naps hahaha he was nappin in my sis's rm while me in my rm. when i woke up i saw this on the comp, laughed and took a prntscreen of it lols.
ya -.- he loves sleepin in my sis rm now ever since we moved my hse sofa into my sis's rm (my sis took her bed to her new place). he says the sofa is v comfy -.-
Afterschool - because of you.
i cant stop listening to it (:
♥ 9:52:00 AM
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
oh! and i went down to have my photo taken n uniform measurement taken the other day at the company headquarters :D
was afraid that the uniform will be gold and brown for us yikeS! (thats gona be the colour for the dealer's uniforms) satin gold somemore for blouse. like machiam ge tai. phew! ours gona be black blazer, skirt and we'll b wearin sphag top inside! cool or what. damm good that they considered the fact that it would be so much fuss free (no buttons) and more cooling for us. double yay.
♥ 4:49:00 PM
the cream that the doc gave me to apply after the mole removal is causing my face to breakout.
i am officially ms. pimple girl and im all ready for the cny. yay. great.
oh and happy cny folks.
♥ 4:42:00 PM
Thursday, February 04, 2010
We went hiking. or some sort..
went with sh to the tree top walk! our journey begun from macritchie, walked bout 5kms before reachin the stupid tree top walk which was only 250metres long?! like wtf right. u walk 5 km long just for that stupid 250m. we were kinda alarmed when we reached there cause we both thought it would at least be like 2km long. not to mention it takes bout another 3km from treetop walk to the way out.
anyway this is a picture intensive post!
here are the nicer pics that were taken (:
heres reaching treetop walk.
at the treetop walk.
interesting bare tree without leaves but it had loads of birds on it. poor tree i reckon it prob has loads of bird poo on its branches. sh said it looked like africa HAHA.
walking outta the place.
need to post these cute pictures up. (:
need i say more?! hahaha
'praying' lols
crossing her arms.
boo (:
yes, she has a green house too. ;)
sleeping. see her mouth n nose?
unglam pic of gracie sleepin HAHA.
and this is the funniest picture of gracie ever hahaha. LOOK AT HER FACE LURR. she squished her face inbetween her pinkie house at the cage. its so squashed up that her eyes dont even look like their there. haha i was tellin sh she looks like a china man with slit eyes HAHAHA.
enjoying her walnut lols. (behing her is her soft toy called orororo. looks like her no? she likes to shit on it lol)
not sure if u can see her. shes actually sittin ontop of the toilet roll.
she actually poped her head through the hole in the cloth white sleeping. lols. (hole was created by clover last time, my previous ham) gerri and i went to visit a fortune teller. whether her predictions are true or not? by the end of this yr i will know. hahah we both look so chiu.
and, this is what happened ystd.
i burned a hole in my pocket and my heart. happy for my face but not happy bout my pocket.
oh and the grad photos finally came in. some look like shit. i shall post and blog about them tmr.
♥ 11:13:00 AM
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
one of leading causes of death nowadays. so people live life, live healthy, eat well too.
ive been trying to exercise frequently now. just that i tend to be lazy sometimes.. lol
why am i suddenly talkin bout cancer?... my aunt passed away last yr due to cancer. my uncle jus contracted bowel cancer last month. one of my cousin's wife back in penang might not make it pass cny cause of her cancer... (it relasped).
so end of the day health is really wealth. treasure your loved ones too.
on the superficial side....
I just had some cosmetic surgery done!
so i had my nose width reduced, my double eyelid cut, cheek implants and some botox.
NOT hahaha just joking. didnt have any of those done.
i just had my moles removed again thats all. 3 of them. (yes again, for ur info i had 4 of my moles, flat ones, removed in early 2005 prior to jc. 2 of them completely vanished with no scarring! YES THANK GOD. but two of them grew back! YES I KNOW HORROR OF ALL HORROS).
this is gona be a rant post bout my moles.
ok some people might call em beauty marks? i mean some are really sexy, like cindy crawford's and mandy moore's (see below)
gwad i love that mole of hers! and my sis happen to hav the exact same one as her!! nice or what. i was telling her u better not remove it cause its nice and mandy moore has the exact one!!! her reaction was : huh really? orh.
and so im here to rant bout my stupid moles. cause why? non of them happen to be beauty marks. (at least in my opinion) ok at least i do have a sexy mole on my upper lip but my lips arent pouty enough to show em .
AND THEY FRIGGIN MADE ME SPEND LOADS. UGH (p.s not only that talk about the pain)
i spent 400$ back in 2005 for that 4 moles which 2 grew back eventually. just spend 180$ ystd on the three. and because of the recovery im gona splurge on skII dermdefinition which is another 153$
actually its not alot spent but considerin that if i had a smooth and mole-less face i could hav saved bout 800 odd of cash.
luckily the procedure this time wasnt that painful cause the doc used an ultra thin needle. he says its the botox needle which isnt that painful! haha its bearable in fact and considered that im a wussy and hav low pain tolerance, it is probably painless to some. haha thank god. shld i consider botox next time when im old i know it doesnt hurt lol.
♥ 11:48:00 AM
Monday, February 01, 2010
im all for quizzes cause im bored.
What is your salad dressing of choice? thousand island! or vinegrette
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? mos hands down
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? hmm.. this is kinda hard to choose
What food could you eat every day and not get sick of it? tiramisu!
What are your pizza toppings of choice? bacon, LOADS OF CHEESE, bbq sauce, pineapple chunks, green pepper, prawns maybe?
What do you like to put on your toast? nutella!
What is your favorite type of gum? i dislike gum actually.
What is your wallpaper on your computer? gossip girl
How many televisions are in your house? 3
Do you use a laptop or desktop? both, but rarely been using my lappie lately..
Are you right-handed or left-handed? right.
Do you like your smile? after taking out my braces, definitely (:
What’s your best feature? nose?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? yes, moles!
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? smell
When was the last time you had a cavity? never had.
What is the heaviest item you lifted last? my house sofa.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? no
If you could, would you wanna know the day you were going to die? yes.
Is love for real? yes and no.
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? maryanne so that people will start pronoucing my name correctly.
What color do you think looks best on you? white
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? hmm not that i remembered. swallowed some soap by mistake before though. it was damm horrible.
Have you ever saved someone’s life? no
Has someone ever saved yours? no either.
Would you walk naked down a public street for $100,000? no way.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? yes way.
Would you cut off one of your little fingers for $200,000? NO. even if i could sew back that finger hell no!
Would you never blog again for $50,000? YES actually haha.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? no, this is actually much worse than walking down the street naked? cause the magazine can be kept for all eternity. imagine ur grandkids stumbling onto the mag next time and they will be likw wtf grandma is that u naked?!?!
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? yup
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? yes haha cause its just for a year.
What is in your left pocket? my fbt only has an internal right pocket.
Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? wth is that.