my blog is prob older than your kid.
because this blog is
7 YEARS OLD!!!!! for those who were with me since sec sch will know this blog started in sec2 and has stayed the same link all the way since 2002 till now 2009 which means its 7 years old!! LOL
which also means if the blog were to be my kid, he will now be in pri 1. ill like to think of my blog as a he dont ask me why. lols.
anyway lookin back.. the blog has evolved quite abit.. from the days when i use to talkz like thiz hahax to the days when was in and i had emo blogskins all over.(: lookin back at the archives never fail to amuse me. but i wont be posting any archive links anytime cause some of the posts are damm embarassing and plainly weird.meanwhile kelee has transferred somewhere (: and he gets to book out
EVERYDAY AT 5.30PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW GOOD IS THAT?
n talking bout the month of august...
it was Clover's one yr death anniversary :( i looked at her videos n photos. they dont make me cry anymore. they just make me laugh. (: i rmb the good times. hope youre doing fine my dear.
a photoframe of us (: feathers and blings.

pretty bday girl (:


♥ 11:18:00 PM
signed sealed delivered, i'm yours! 04/08/2009.i finally signed the contract and am ready for anything. SO BRING IT ON WORLD!wondering if the journey im about to embark on brings promises, opportunities. or is it all only about the glitz and glamour?haha papu says i shld dl las vegas series to have a look at how they handle their clients. marian thinks otherwise that the series is exagerrated and OTT. BUT still agrees that perhaps she can have a glimsp of what is to be from the show. anyway had great fun at yeeleng's 21st :D was kinda skeptical bout the games at first. cause we were darn afraid of the icebreakers. ended up havin fun instead! i was called up for charades. first on the list to act out was CAREBEARS! at first i was like wtf. carebears?! how the heck are you gona act out carebears and expect people to know. but thank god bet guessed the ans (:
next was NINJA TURTLES! (yl guessed it! YAY.) hah. its good to hav frens w the exact same frequency as u.and so the party ended on a very very good note (:

p.s i really love u girls!!! 8 years of friendship and still going strong. its amazing how everytime we meet, we always feel like we were never apart once. how comfortable and special we can make each other feel (: how young, crazy, bitchy, nerdy and gossipy we can get each time. how books and coffeebean became one of our fav pasttimes. from the bottom of my heart.... thank you for always being there. really.and ive gotten a couple of photoframes from ikea for our photos (: have a look!!!

with every step she takes, she glances back at her shoulder
she sees a scene once so familiar but yet so foreign now
the clock strikes twelve
and all that glitters disappears.
♥ 11:57:00 AM