im so bad at paintin my right hand can!!!gosh i finally understand betty's pain of having to do nails and hair.
but like wth. we are not some iconic figure with 60 over years of history can. why are we subjected to such strict image conduct.
blah jus wanted to rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway tmr's the openin! JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!!
♥ 11:12:00 PM
had a glimsp of my future workplace today. and the place is like wow wow wow (: damm pretty!!!
it looks super super dupper grand can!! im not exaggerating!! lol n i think its totally worth to go there and have a look.
not only that! the back of the house is like super cool! theres atm, axs machine, concierge service for staff!! n we even hav a 7eleven in there!!! cool shit hahaha. i must say im damm impressed. n proud to be workin at where i am now. plus my door for uniform collection.. which is lucky 7 is jus infront of the female changin room!! yesss hahaha. everythin's automated. entry. collection of uniform. food. all scan scan scan hahaha.only thing now is ive gota step up my gear n present my best for the openin! lets show them what we can do (:
♥ 4:38:00 PM
i was contemplatin to head off to work or not. decided not to because i cant even think well at this hr. no need to say for 3, 4am. i need rest.
gona pop my pills n head to sleep now. good night world. good night pain. good night worries. good night stress. good night broken heart.
♥ 8:49:00 PM
help!! i feel like im drugged.
the fever n sore throat is takin its toll on me. im the next hit from the flu :(
head's woozy n i cnt do anything right now. gwad. think im gona tak mc soon..
♥ 7:00:00 PM
thats what we are now.....
i weighed myself today. and gosh found out that i lost 4 kg. o_o scary. so im forcin myself to eat as much as i can now even if i dont fee like it.
work's been fine, a lil tiring but im still able to cope with it.'
saturday's gona be damm packed. hope it will be time well spent.
ive gota start packing everything. rooms in a complete mess.
you know what they say. that the condition of ur room reflects ur current state of mind.
thats why! i must declutter and keep it tidy to make myself feel better (:
♥ 7:24:00 PM
yet another sleepless night............................
♥ 11:11:00 PM
im tired... so ive decided to let go.
its not that i dont believe he cant change.. but its cause im tired already.. after giving so many chances.. im afraid of getting hurt again. n its hard to force him to change so its better if we both move on... we will learn from it, grow and mature from this.. but ill still hold on and treasure the beautiful things we shared together.
thank you for showing me so many different made me see, you made me feel, you made me love. thank you.this 2 and the half years has been the most beautiful years of my life, so many beautiful memories and experiences.. some days colourful, some days dark and grey.i believe if its meant to be.. we shall meet again. some day.. but for now. if u need me ill be here for you as a friend.
♥ 12:32:00 AM