Sunday, March 28, 2010
i love you bebe!!!! (:
♥ 12:24:00 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
after having a heart to heart talk with him. i feel so much more relieved, so much lighter.
we came to a compromise.
this is our one last chance, our last go at it.
if at the end of the day things still dont work.. we have agreed that we will then let go..
i will be sad if the r/s came to a halt. but the end of relationships is the start of new beginnings... any r/s though hurtful or sad, u'll sure to learn something from it and ull have fond memories of it.treasure them well and move on.
♥ 8:32:00 PM
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
why is loving someone so hard...?
my whole world is about to crumble, lord please give me strength.
♥ 7:42:00 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
i hate it when you control every aspect of my life :(
things i can do... things i cant do....
do i really need to wait 5 or 10 years later for you to become mature, uncontrolling, not bad tempered and not possessive?
i dont wana become old next time and look back at my life and regret the little little things that i didnt do.
i see others being strong enough to stand up and leave... but yet i feel so weak and my legs crumble everytime i try to walk away.
♥ 11:31:00 PM
Monday, March 15, 2010
i am down with flu. caught the flu bug!! :(
having fever n blocked nose now but i must bear with it!
its a start of a new week!! am hoping time will pass faster cause i cant wait for sunday again. i needa go shopping (: cldnt go ystd cause was resting at home the whole day cause of ze flu.
OH AND IVE GOT SOMETHING FUNNY TO SAY. i just realised that the unconcious me hates retainers too. i go to sleep with retainers and wake up without retainers! not sure why but afew times the retainers happened to appear at my bedside table n just afew nights ago it was on my bed. so i reckon i actually took it out when i was dreaming and sleepin lols.
♥ 10:38:00 AM
Saturday, March 13, 2010
saw something DAMM CUTE on
CUTE RIGHT!!! its like the dog is so chummy chummy with the cat!!
♥ 10:27:00 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby
♥ 12:43:00 AM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
i feel so damm friggin tired!!!!!!!! not cause of the trainin but cause of IRREGULAR SLEEP TIMINGS!on monday i woke up at 6.30, previous night i had a good night's sleep... BUT TODAY... long story.
okay heres what happened on sunday night.10.30 - went to sleep
11.00- fell alseep.
11.30- call from
SOMEONE, woke up to grab the call, mumble some shit bout working and hung up
12.00-3.47am- ALARM from phone
KEPT ON RINGING. was to remind me of my frens b day actually lols. again i woke up to stop the friggin alarm
4.00am- fell asleep
6.00- woke up, lazed in bed till 6.30
so it was technically DISTURBED SLEEP THROUGHOUT.
and well for last night.i fell asleep at bout 1.30am, n that same
SOMEONE bloody called my house at 5.30am in the morn. like wtf la. i stayed AWAKE from 5.30 to 6.30 this morn AND I JUS CLDNT GO BACK TO SLEEP. the rain started pourin around 7. (when i jus managed to fall asleep) i had to wake up to close the windows, thats bout 7.30. and ive been awake since.
rahh i feel so much better aft ranting (:
oh.. n trainin's every mon-sat 3pm to 11pm.
so ill be only free to go out on suns :( unless someone is willing to meet me for breakfast n lunch.
♥ 9:02:00 AM
Sunday, March 07, 2010
tomorrow is the day (: the day that ive been waiting for 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ 8:25:00 PM
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
i dont wana comment about anything.
is this all your love can give? is this what's love to you?and for your info. you people dont fucking go like his status when you dont even understand what shit he is talkin about ok.
♥ 7:27:00 PM
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
so long since i updated!!! so much to do, yet so lil time!!
ill be staring training next monday (:
been wanting to post my graduation studio shots but lazy to do so haha.
oh ya my pimply cheeck cleared up (finally).
note to self/others: NEVER TO USE STEROID BASED CREAM ON FACE EVER. ITS NOT OK!! why am i suddenly saying bout this? cause the gp (NOTE GP) which did the mole removal for my face gave me a steroid cream to apply on the scabs after the mole removal. WHICH SHLD NOT BE GIVEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
after mole removal, polysporin or neosporin shld be given, any gel/cream that has antibacterial and anti inflammation properties will do. the last time i went for mole removal back in 2005 i was given polysporin.
it was only aft my face started to break out due to the steroid cream that i went to research online and to my horror i read on forum that steroid cream SHLD NEVER be used on the face unless for treatment of ezcema. on other body parts its fine, cause apparently face absorbs 7% of the stuff in the cream while hands, feet and other parts of the body only absorbs bout 1~2% like wtf right?! because it has many bad side effects such as skin thinning, breakouts(which happened in my case) and if used for long term use the steroid will get to ur blood stream.
luckily i only got to use it for one week. PLUS WHEN I CALLED BACK TO ASK THE CLINIC IF I CAN STOP USIN THE CREAM CAUSE ITS GIVIN ME BAD BREAKOUTS. THEY TOOK 2 FCKING HRS JUS TO CALL ME BACK AND TELL ME : no, you dont have to use it anymore. sorry for the wait.
the gal at the counter even asked me to call back in the morn (when i was like wtf?! my face is alrdy breaking out like crazy n u ask me to call back in the morn. so am i suppose to apply it tonight or what?! i cant wait another day longer!!)
moral of the story: CONSULT A DERM REGARDING THINGS BOUT UR FACE. not good to save and then get a gp to do stuff to your face and end up with results you dont want.
if u get gd experiences from gp, then lucky you. good for you. but ill definitely be sticking to a derm next time. they're not qualified as derms for nothing.
♥ 6:28:00 PM