edwardcullenedwardcullenedwardcullenedwardcullenedwardcullenedwardcullenedwardcullenive gone to my school girl craze again!
AND DAMM i regretted not buying the
'EDWARD CULLEN BIT ME' tee that i saw in supre! at nz lols.
which makes me conclude. girls will still be girls no matter how grown up or matured they get (: its evident from the fact that there are 30ish women reading twilight (:
if u havent read the series yet... PLEASE DO! its really not overrated. although maybe a lil.
found an article on twilight thats super funny. i cnt stop smiling when readin it lur!why your gf should not be allowed to read twilight so kelee is returning home soon! am so excited (:
meanwhile im practicing talking/speaking. cause i still
MAJORLY sound like ive got braces on. its like i havent got it removed! was devastated that it affected my speech when i first got it. but now that ive got a chance to hear myself speak im like o_o gwad!
its still there!!!! it was even so that one of my colleagues asked me durin intern if i wore braces b4 or if i jus removed it. and i was like WHAT! how did u know!!! n she said : u sounded like one of my frens who has braces... n im like........ OH!
so im trying to speak out and speak well now. (:

yea yea to get swine turn right and go straight for another 5o m.
on one hand im hoping it does nt get to sg. on the other IM HOPING IT DOES! then it means quarantine time again! which reminded me of SARS period the 3 weeks holi was it? but then again by the time swine gets to sg i wont be studyin anymore. AND GODDAMMIT will i needa job.
THEN AGAIN I TAKE BAC MY WORDS!. SWINE MUST NOT COME TO SG. if it does tourism wil b affected like crazy again which means lesser chance of gettin a job.

i just hope these arent my hands.
and i think i seriously need to get my brains blowed out. im starting to look at paris hilton in another light after watchin paris hilton's next bff. use to think shes a bimbo. actually still do. just that she seems to be able to carry herself on that show ALOT ALOT better than in Simple Life.
and that bloody econs quiz today. anyway
love begins tomorrow.
school begins on dreadful wednesday and
shopping begins on thursday! :D
♥ 7:45:00 PM
okay. so i must must must blog about something i saw online today!
so. TODAY'S TOPIC IS...........
why i say that? ull see in a moment (: jus look below! that said.
google=everything.when u dont know something. GOOGLE IT! GOOGLE THIS! GOOGLE THAT!
today we'll get to see all the funny things that people actually google.if uve an avid google fan like me ull notice that when u type something in the search box, google now completes the search sentence for u and hopefully that was what u intended to google for.i typed in is
it possible to si okay before i put the pics down u must be wondering why i googled that.. haha
i was er.. actually googling the phrase 'is it possible to sing well'..... LOLS. (why? ill ans that another day)

like why the heck would u want to know if its
possible to sin in heaven. LIKE HELLO URE ALREADY IN HEAVEN! not to offend any religious ppl or whatever. its like what kind of question is this? hahaha worried that god might just banish u to hell and deny ur chances of heaven if u happen to sin there? anyway if u are able to sin in heaven and u do. theres no running away for sure.
so on to the next experiment....and then i cut the sentence short and tried is
it possible to s...a hundred odd sentences jumped in to complete the phrase and IT WAS DAMM RIDICULOUS AND FUNNY LA.

omg its super silly but yet entertaining at the same time. ADMIT IT NW! ANYONE OF U CONTRIBUTED TO THIS PHRASES?!
is it possible to swallow your tongueis it possible to shrink hahaha
is it possible to sell your soul to the devil urgh! that i wouldnt wana know.. anyway are people really that desperate for fame? money? (sorry think ive read too much books, watched too many movies)

seems to me that many people are interested with the 'time' stuff. like stopping time and travelling back in time searches.
is it possible to die of boredom? bet u already were if not u wldnt have typed this into the search box
is it possible to have three breasts ???? WHAT A WEIRD QUESTION HAHAHHA. u mean theres really someone out there w three breasts? hmm. maybe there is and it makes me curious. BUT WHO IN THE FIRST PLACE WLD THINK OF GOOGLING THIS QUESTION? WEIRD! TOTALLY!
is it possible that vampires exist wish they did! (: BUT sadly. they dont. this has been sorta despelled and investigated by discovery channel. they had a program on it and they proved the myths wrong. modern vampires do exist but they are jus normal people like you and me who just subjects themselve to drinking blood as a hobby but they are noy really literally one.

talking bout vampires my love for TWILIGHT HAS RETURNED!!! i stopped at eclispe for SOOOOOOOO SUPER DUPER LONG and im glad i picked it back up where i stopped. and now im close to finishin breakin dawn already! AHHHH i cant be happier (:

i think... im gona cut my hair till this length right aft kelee's comm's ball.

i found this pic online. it looks EXACTLY like my chihuahua in nintendogs!!! (: AHHHH BEBE!! (yes i named him aft kelee's pet name)
♥ 9:36:00 PM
BACK BACK! so anyway i needa blog badly now cause i SO wana sleep. but i so have to rush this damm assignment thats making me so wana puke.
ANYWAY ive been procrastinating! the usual hahaha. but whats new (:
so... nz has been (: overall. (: = worth it, smiley, happy, fun, woopy.
the scenery is awesome. i usually have motion sickness and will feel car sick with just a ride over 2 hrs. but i can say that i had NONE when i was there! cause why? the scenery outside the car window intriuged me so much that i literally forgot how long ive been in that car or that i felt sick at all to begin with. the greens, cows, sheeps and horses make me feel so much better (:

and the road that goes on looks like it came out from some movie set. whereby someone would stand along side the greens. cows behind with a luggage waiting to hitchhike (norm the start of some movie?)
funny thing is i like all the random pics can!

SUPRE!! SUPRE!! but it was darn disappointin. ended up it was not me, not my sis but my mum who bought something there.
things arent as nice. and just. not appealing fullstop!

and i woke up early in the morn and took this pic! when everyone else in the family was sleepin. it was surprisingly not as chilly in the morn just super shiok with the cool breeze blowing while youre in ur pullover and fbt shorts standing out at the balcony.

so we went to the thermal village on the second-ish day. the colour of the water is like darn damm bloody friggin blue. its really piercing and beautiful. a lil to the turquoise side and it looks damm unreal. its cause of the minerals, hence the colour as explained by our motherly guide (see below) i forgot her name though lols. (shes in black)

and they actually cook their food here, some sorta like a steamer. gloves advised. cause its extremely hot hot hot!

Luge like uve never done it before, down the steep hill right through trees, cool breeze in your face, never ending turns and steep slopes. shiok shiok shiok!
(totally unrelated, but im pleased with the cam! the pics really turn out nicely though im a lousy photographer)
CANT SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS PIC OKAY!! MUM DAD SORRY FOR POSTING THIS ONLINE. BUT THIS IS WAY TOOOOO CUTE! ahh i love them so much (: the expressions on their faces were like priceless. it started when my mum ran towards that thing and she cldnt be lifted up cause obviously u need someone else on the other side. and guess who went over next?
my dad went over to lift her up (: awwwwwwwwwwww......

INFRONT OF THEIR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAYGROUND. and just right beside a house! LIKE WTF?! i walk down my house to my playground and what do i see all around? (fugly shelters, some old man lying around diggin his nose, drain covers with spit on them sometimes, and just dirty pavements.) ok maybe not that bad but u get my point!

and there were black swans everywhere. if im
paris hilton ill probably dig a lake right in my own backyard, plant some trees and throw some black swans in.

we went to some aratiatia dam. sorry for the overexposure. im still bad at this camera thingie.

meadows! like some never ending enchanted land?!?!

on the side note sorry for the camwhore cause i just felt like it. HAHA and yes s15 pullover! its damm useful when it comes to traveling, chalets and generally keeping warm and snugly.

not sure if u noticed that
WHITE DRESS. my sis was infront me me she saw something. turned to me and her reaction was :
OMG . and i was like huh? what thing? i took another step forward and immediately i knew what she was saying. LOL.
it looks freakkyyy eh? and mind u.
ANTIQUES. it could very well been worn by someones dead grandma.

the look. of
love. is in. your eyes. the look. your heart...cant describe. and if that was translated to a chi song it would be: ni kan wo, wo kan ni, ni kan wo, wo shi something something gao xing guoo.
I KNOW AHHHHH. for your info. he was actually
chewing on my windbreaker. so ditto. not that it was a mutual hug but. ya whatever. WE HUGGED ♥
KELEE DONT GET JEALOUS K! cause in the end your hug is still the one i want and love and hold on to!
and i was finally in........

cant say i was not pleased. and cant say im pleased either. just that i thought it would have been on a grander skill. :( sad but still overall pleased? im fickle.

i spy with my little eye....

took a long exposure shot with my cam haha but u can see the reflection of the light indoors on the glass. pity. (taken at skytower)
and i bought
this cutie home!♥ (:

camwhoring with the stuffed lamb ♥ which reminds me of japan. the pictures ended with cinamoroll bidding farewell to japan too lols.

kelee is very amused at the fact that sharkie can bite lamby(my new lamb cushion). hahahaha. thats my boy (:
anyway i found beautiful quotes by shakespeare. who else but yeah the master (:
"So long as I can breathe or I can seeso long lives your love which gives life to me."-William Shakespeare
"When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave."-William Shakespeare
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind".-William Shakespeare
anyway was out with the girls last month. thanks bet for the treat (: its so nice to feel so at ease with ppl whom you can laugh, talk about anything under the sky and seek comfort in the littlest things alongside friends who will always be there for you.

the girls!

they commented that i shld go get specs like this. cause it evokes some secretary teacher thingie. kelee, what say you? *winks* HAHAHA. JUS JK!!

bet and my

♥ 1:09:00 AM