thSTUDY METHODS FOR EXAM.was kinda brain dead. and i desperately needed to memories stuff hahaha so i decided to draw instead! since im a right brainer i imagine pics more easily.
at one corner of my room sits.....
MY WHITEBOARD!!yup thats gerri's handwritin there! n the winter sonata drawin from year 2000 till now.
so i erased it and....

minds cafe. i got chicken for SNORTA! POKEHH! *FLAPS HANDS* hahaha.

the picture dont do justice to the colour at all.
oh in case you didnt know my all time fav hobby is
EXTERMINATING ANTS esp when they start eyeing on my baby hammie's food.
incase you cant see. mixture of red and black ants on a musking tape.
consult me if you ever need help with ants. ill gladly help (:

STARDUST! ahhhhhhhhhh.
the movie was uber nice. i dont mind watchin it for the second time.
i loved this part.. where yvaine confessed to tristan. tears jus welled up in my eyes. seriously.
this was what she said.
You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn’t true.
I know a lot about love.
I’ve seen it, centuries and centuries of it,
and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable.
All those wars. Pain, lies, hate… It made me want to turn away and never look down again.
But when I see the way that mankind loves…
You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional.
But I also know that it can be
unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and…
What I’m trying to say,
Tristan is… I think I love you.
Is this love, Tristan?
I never imagined I’d know it for myself. My heart… It feels like my chest can barely contain it.Like it’s trying to escape because it doesn’t belong to me any more.It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I’d wish for nothing in exchange - no gifts.
No goods. No demonstrations of devotion.
Nothing but knowing you loved me too.Just your heart, in exchange for mine.ahhhhhhh *gushes*




nice xmas bears awwww.

monochrome delight.
♥ 9:11:00 PM
STELLA AND MILTON B DAY CELEB (:hahahaha the bbq food was good :D esp the sausages YUMYUM!

stella and milt's ice creaammm cake :D

bday girl and boy with their pressies : D

hahaha we are all lookin elsewhere.


nonstop dancing and glowing hand
19th bday celebration on 3 nov (:thanks everyone. esp sharon n cliff! ahhhh really touched T_T thanks shar for the chocs and cliff for the cake :D
dearest sharon (:

haha the fish mat that sharon likes!

shar sz joel wt gw

chef of the cake :D


i look so much like a goon. lols.

the s15 girlies (:

since i
wasnt suppose to post this pic ive blacked out the ppl inside! HAHAHA guess the mystery ppl!
mich dear (:

zhayuuuu! edited this pictureee for ya. nice right? :D

weiting, sz (:

sz weiting and preg lady.

hahaha experimenting with weird colours so ya (:


sz (:
♥ 7:47:00 PM
will post up pics from last sat up after exams.
wana say thanks to everyone (: thanks for the stuff.
really appreciate and love you all loads cant say how much i appreciate it.
haha im so addicted to sooo many songs now.
lyrics. tune. replaying again and again in my head.
paper was ok today :D good thing that is.
♥ 7:44:00 PM