oh i forgot to mention.
my company FINALLY CALLED ME! HURRAYY. briefing will begin next fri and the training's in march.
♥ 2:38:00 PM
I DROPPED MY CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
feel my pain!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T.
it went like this... i was takin pics of my oreo and she tried to climb outta the cage so i placed my cam down on the osim igallop thingie beside me to get her onto my hand. next thing i know my
clumsy left hand HOOKED ONTO the neck strap of my cam and sent it
CRASHING TO THE FLOOR T_T. i screamed damm damm loudly and i literally chucked oreo back into the cage (think she got a fright too).
went to pick up the poor injured fella... from the cold marble floor... he breathes in and out, in and out for afew times (zoom mechanism went zeeeenng zeennng in out in out gwad) before dying and presenting me with the black screen of death.
i then observed a couple mins of silence.... too shocked by what had happened...
anyway. the cam's fine actually phew after all that drama.
checked all the settings. lzoom check! focus check! shutter check! all different modes check! flash ckeck! lcd screen check!
all seems to be working fine.... i jus pray nothing will pop out suddenly. hope it didnt sustain any internal injuries.. sigh..
IVE LEARNT MY LESSON. and since my beloved cam has been reborned again i swear i will nv let it fall ever ever ever.
thank god.
♥ 11:46:00 AM
im finally 44kg (: so ive gained a total of 4 kg since my 'weight gainin prog' has come into place.
hahah actually theres no program at all! just that i started takin vit b bout a month ago and VIOLA my weight increased and nv went down ever since lols. which leads me to suspect that all along ive been lackin various vits.
oh and i went to have my hair done the other day!! the curls r so uber nicee im sosososos tempted to have it done permanently!!! haha had the hair done cause i finally had my family/grad potrait taken finally! they didnt allow cams naturally but i managed to sneak away to the dressing rm for snaps HAHA CAMWHORE AGAIN.
anyway i hope i dont look like an
idiot in my individual shots cause i was so darn tense during the shoot i smiled like a retard. like some
geeky nerd grinning like a moron.
and i came across this phrase on google sometime ago and i can totally relate to it
"im a light sleeper but a heavy dreamer"LIKE SO TRUE CAN! i wake up with the slightest bit of sound (unless im dead beat ill sleep all the way till daylight) and ill always wake up shld someone walk into my rm in the middle of the night. which reminds me. last night sh walked into my rm to pass me his blanket (he was sleepin in my sis's rm) anyway. and i got a shock and shouted at him "WHO IS IT!!" (i know sounds grammatically wrong hahaha) cause his shadow didnt look like my dad's + it isnt raining(when it rains my dad usually comes in to close my window) so i got a shock hahaha.
so my dreams are really eccentric, i think i prob have the weirdest dreams ever??? here are some of the dreams i rmb that are REALLY WEIRD.
few nights ago i dreamt i was hand cuffed by a friend and i handcuffed her too. she apparently found her key to unlock her cuffs while i was still running around the mall trying to find my key. in the end i found the key at my sec sch bookshop (had to buy it and it was those kinda masak masak key cheapo kind) damm odd. but i didnt get to unlock my key before i wake up DAMM.
i had a dream quite some time ago bout wandering in this condo. and they had this mangrove place with hell loads of crocodiles but i got away from them by jumpin on their heads and skippin away.
had another dream that i was swimming in an exotic place, the place had structures like rome structures those white marble pillars damm beautiful. next moment i know, we (my friends n i who were swimming) had to get up do a catwalk (on the pool , i know ridiculous but somehow everyone could suddenly walk on water) and next moment i knew some of us r gona be chosen to be executed by some terrorists and i ran away to hide.
and last night's dream was gross. my ear had some sort of tumor and if thats not bad enough. I WAS GONA HAVE MY CLASS PHOTO TAKEN!! (i was back in sec sch) i used my hair to cover up the 'ear lump' and somehow the scene changed to something else, was walkin and i spotted a baby girl (supposed to be my sis's daugther hahaha) picked her up and played with her (: . (i smsed her this morn bout the dream and she freaked. she wants to have a boy first, then a girl lols)
hmmm thats bout it for dreams. i cant rmb other weird dreams ive had. ive had much much weirder ones trust me. if only i can just remember....
♥ 9:15:00 PM
close you eyes,
give me your hand darling
do you feel my heart beating,
do you understand?do you feel the same?
am i only dreaming..
or is this burning,
an eternal flame.
♥ 10:43:00 PM
whats your skincare regime like?

years ago i wouldnt even care bout what everyone's doing to their faces and skin care to me was like heck it! my face's alright. but now im regretting it :(. havent taken care of my face well cause i jus didnt have the habit of doin it but now im gona stock up loads and try different stuff to see what suits.
so any recommendations?
was considerin gettin shiseido pureness range skincare products but heard that its not worth the price? idk.
but im definitely gona try the bodyshop moisture white serum to tackle my freckles because my face has a
whole shit load of freckles. the bad thing is the freckles have darkened due to me being out in the sun (w/o facial sunblock) cause of dolphin lagoon durin intern. the damage from the sun is like god-have-i-aged.
i dont wana end up like a wrinkled up old lady with loads of dark age spots all over her face next time :(next time if i have a daughter i will definitely reinforce a strict facial skincare regime on her. making sure she takes care of her skin well. lols.
and here are my 2010 resolutions!!! (i know im pretty late to post this up but... youre never to late to write em)1) to give my all in my work and training
2) to gossip less
3) GAIN WEIGHT (this has been appearin in my resolution list EVERY SINGLE YR N TILL NOW HAS NOT YET BEEN REALISED *SIGH*)
4)to religiously wear my retainers EVERYNIGHT.
5) practice good facial skin care routine
6) to be nicer to my loved ones
7) driver's license (its been delayed for far too long)
8) to exercise more and keep fit
9) to complain and whine less, learn to be more appreciative
10) be open to try new things
thats all (:
♥ 3:12:00 PM