its been donkey years since ive updated this space!!
so much has happened since.
lets see..
(a) im into twitter-micro blogging and i have stopped blogging here.
(b) im already one year into my new job yay!
(c) i have god damm long rapunzel hair!! okay, im exaggerating! just that ive never had my hair that long before.>>>>
but im gona cut it anyways!
work's fine i guess. im happy where im at now. just that sometimes i wish i could achieve more...maybe turn into a high flyer who earns big bucks. hmmm prob need more years of working experience.
♥ 11:26:00 PM
hahaha this is prob one of the rare moments that im actually bloggin now that ive got
just wanted to blog about my feelings aft finishing watching
步步惊心. its driving me crazy! i feel like some crazy fangirl back in my teenage years. the heartache is driving me mad!

i mean do such dramas still exist?! the most ive cried while watching a drama was

watching winter sonata and that was eons ago can!! when i was still a naive lil girl havent seen much of the world yet.
步步惊心 to winter sonata.... winter sonata's plot didnt even make me cry so crazily. theres a total of 35 episodes in 步步. and 步步 actually made me cry from like epsiode 14 or was it 11 onwards till episode 35?!
i think i've spiraled into slight depression mode after i finished the show on sunday. went to work on mon with puffy eyes, super depressed mood and zero appetite. i had to force myself to finish my lunch and dinner. i mean like how crazy is that?!?!
and those who know me well prob also know that i hate to read chinese stuff!! the show has got me hooked that i am even wanting to buy the chinese novel to read~! (yes the show originated from a novel). i am even actively participating on e discussion page in 百度 now because of the show *gasps*!! hahahaha
but anyhow, the show is worth the watch. it is one of those kinda shows that you will still remember after a long long long time... etched strongly in my mind just like 解连环, spirited away and paradise kiss.

♥ 10:17:00 PM
ive been trying to read random things off the internet to entertain myself lately.
and these random things include.
dailymail, stomp, y u noooooooo, and of course the classic
anyhow! i tweaked some y u nooooooo pictures and labeled them as
blackshot edition. so here goes :)

♥ 8:22:00 PM
whole sunday wasted like that.
♥ 4:38:00 PM
im starting to run outta things to blog about hahaha. probably now cause my life's pretty
stale and uninteresting. i mean how interesting can my life be working where im at now.

had tcc high tea with gerri that day. haha im on budget cant opt for hotel high teas at the moment. the scones were alright. chocolate cake was yummy though. and surprisingly.. their cream isnt fresh cream its like yoghurt mixed with cream which was kinda nice, something different from the usual fresh cream.
and bloody hell. im so crazy about delena now. just changed my wallpaper to them! and who's delena??

damon+elena! they make
a super super cute and ridiculously hot couple. its like every single scene of them jus sizzles. i love how damon stares at elena. its just so electrifying!♥♥
anyway next wk's gona be a jam packed week! im gona like.. watch several movies! whip up some fantastic food! and also even consider some getaway! BUAHAHA
♥ 8:57:00 PM
In regards to my post whereby some people have all the luck and some just dont..
i belong to the latter.
why does it come so easily to some yet sometimes i put in so much effort but i reap nothing. its the case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time again? or does the problem lie with me? that im not trying not hard enough. that im not persistant and pushy enough. that im just not cut out for this.
im feeling depressed yet i dont know why.
this is actually a teeny weeny insignificant thing yet its making me feel uber miserable. when will i ever grow up and realise comments dont mean everything.
♥ 8:25:00 PM
alot of things i observed whilst working at the casino. just wanted to share some of the more interesting things...
i learned not to judge a person easily and superficially.the ones who dress the nicest may be the poorest and the ones that dress the poorest are actually the richest.
i learned that heartbreaks can cause someone to do crazy things.this heartbroken dude went on the gamble recklessly, throwing bout 5000 per hand at bj all cause of a heartbreak.
i learned that alcohol releases people's inhibitions.fights broke out, this half naked lady got lost and ran everywhere only to k.o outside her hotel room, still half naked.
i learned that having loads of money doesnt buy you a world class attitude.with money they treat us like slaves and shout explitives at us.
i learned that DOMS with money think they're as eligible like any other young men on the street.
even on crutches, an old man still struggles with his words to ask a staff out.
i learned that some people just have all the luck and some dont.either you win big or you lose big. ive encountered a guy who dropped a chip by accident, it rolled onto the roulette table and onto a number and guess what? that number came out. he won 27 times the amt he bet, hence 27000$ as that chip was a $1000 chip.
i learned that having 'performace artiste' as your job title in your pass meant youre an escort.whilst registering old teekos and their ladies to enter the VIP room. and wth is performance artiste?! i mean if they're geishas i agree but performance? what kind of performance?!
i learned that talking about paranormal stuff in the casino during night shifts is a big nono.something happened that left us all dumbstruck.
♥ 9:49:00 PM

btw im plannin on really baking some macaroons soon. any good recipes to recommend... anyone?
its the month of may already btw! time passes super duper fast. i needa get my ass off to exercise! needa get myself to eat more too.. my wt plummeted again! then again the weather sucks for running. past few days i jus wished i had a life size ice lolly right beside me that i can hug and lick or something (yea i know sounds gross!!) hahaha.

♥ 9:32:00 PM
i feel old.
this is meant to be a rant post! i know this will prob infuriate those who are well older than me but. hahahaha jus needed to rant.
i feel old when i see teenagers in uniform after school hanging out.
i feel old when i no longer look at cute and kawaii stuff anymore.
i feel old when i bruise easily now and it takes longer for those balukus to heal.
i feel old when i no longer have the energy to dance the whole night away.
i feel old when hawkers no longer call me xiao mei but xiao jie.
i feel old when people ask me for my age... i have to hesitate a little mutter 22 and realise no, im 23 this year.
♥ 1:39:00 PM
thats what defines life isnt it? throughout the course of one day, ull come across many different opportunities. whether or not it comes at the right time, or comes but it happens ure at the wrong place at the wrong time. each opportunity you take or choose to take decides the various outcomes as well.
should i have done this, or should i have done that. things that were said, things that we did.
anyway! ive been followin family guy on twitter and its super hilarious can!!!!
AND BTW LONG WEEKEND IS COMING!!! JUST CANT WAIT :) work's been fine, i have no qualms, im happy w my colleagues, happy with the patrons i meet. its just a very comfortable job i suppose? just wana remined msyelf not to get too comfortable though. i still need to aim for somethin more. somethin more fufilling. and also, i needa set my piorities right. what am i working for, what am i working towards..
♥ 9:45:00 PM